Meditation Music

Most of us agree, this day and age, our lives are pretty complicated, fast paced, and often stressful. When that starts creating physical and mental anguish, we naturally start looking for relief. While being active can also help relieve stress, this site explores the more calming ways of relaxation like listening to meditation music. Please also check the Meditation blog where I blog about my own meditation experiences and things I’ve learned over the years.

Many carve out time in our busy days to listen to meditation music, meditate with a few minutes of silence, relax in some other way, or take a nap (which of course is also important). Some people do sports, others go outside to walk (see walking meditation) or bike. There are countless ways to relax our minds and muscles. Various kinds of meditation practices have long track records of helping people de-stress and relax their weary minds and bodies.

Meditation music as aid in meditation

Meditation Music Image

Meditation is a powerful way to experience spaciousness, freedom, and clarity.

Meditation music is an aid in the practice of meditation. Some of the music makers themselves use the music as a form of meditative practice. For example, in the Bhakti Yoga tradition (read more about this tradition here), music is often used to express and realize the divinity in everything around us, and in ourselves. It is also called, “the yoga of the heart”, or “the yoga of love”. Others use meditation music and chanting as an aid in their own contemplative practices. Especially in recent times, more and more people use meditation music not so much for religious or spiritual practices, but as relaxation music, to take a brake from the fast paced lifestyles. Below are various categories of meditation music. Let us know in the contact page if we missed anything!

Relaxation Music and other uses

Relaxation music is in a similar category as the meditation music, because it helps make us feel peaceful. For many others, relaxation music is used as an aid with sleeping. In yet other cases relaxation music can help parents calm their child, or dog parents calm their dogs during the day while they are out working.

Nature Sounds

Nature sounds and scenes can be soothing and comforting. Some like the sounds of a river, or a creek, or the wind blowing through pine trees and quaking aspen. Others like ocean sounds. Being in nature can also be a form of Meditation. Spending time in nature can bring about a deep appreciation, mindfulness, and awareness of our unique place in the whole, our place in nature. Yoga, Reiki, Massage, Shiatsu, and Tai Chi sessions can also benefit from nature sounds or meditation music set to nature footage.

White Noise: Relaxation And Restful Sleep

The search for true relaxation and a break from the constant stress of society is something that we can all identify with. However, there is another way to block out the stress and the fuss of the world; white noise. White Noise sounds can be particularly helpful with sleep issues, or studying, or office environments where it is hard to concentrate. White noise can also be helpful for those who have Tinnitus. Read more..

Zen Meditation Music

The practice of Zen tends to be in silence. A typical retreat is silent, even during meals. However, retreats are often held in natural retreat type settings. So nature sounds are very common. In cities zen meditators are having to integrate city sounds in their zazen. It is usually recommended though to start practicing zen in a quiet setting, such as a dedicated room in your home. You can start by sitting for 5 minutes at a time, and then work your way up, see See meditation timers page for more information. For many people their first experiences with meditation will be with music, since soothing, and calming meditation music helps calm nerves, and transports you to a calmer state of mind. Some particular zen type meditation music videos can be found below. You can either play them on your computer, laptop, mobile device, or television.

Tony Scott – Zen Meditation Music from the Album Satori

Meditation Music Videos

There are now many YouTube channels with meditation music. Here is our Meditation Music Freedom channel. Check it out, be sure to click the thumbs up with music videos you like! And let us know if you see anything missing. Below is a meditation music video showing a relaxing creek with water flowing through.

I’m always adding new videos, and always interested in trying new scenes to put with peaceful music. All the music is royalty free, and the videos and images are either by myself, my sister, or royalty free images.